I want to tell you the Legend of the Six Cats.
No, not really. That is my daughters story to tell. I want to tell you about just one cat.
If you can call him a cat. He was something else. I often referred to him as a good citizen. He made the planet a better place.
and he did it in such a kind way.
This is a love story.
This is a love story.
One girl and one cat.
One extra fat grumpy flexible potato durpy dude.
I had originally wanted to blog his whole story. Share with everyone the light he was. But that is not my story to tell either, it's hers.
I share here some of the pictures of Floof. Small moments in time. A glimpse into a magical time with a dear sweet soul who shared freely his cat magic with us.
I opened the door one day and found him like this on the sidewalk. Patiently waiting for his girl to come home from school. He would show up everyday after school right at 2:35. except Wednesdays...he would come at 1:00. He had her schedule down like a stalker.
One blistering hot day as I watered Stickrod, he showed up with some sort of oil on him. He sat there and let me hose him off and wash it off. He loved his hose shower and comb out.
halps, I forgot how to catz!
Oh, I miss our durpy dude.
I think my daughter is mostly cat. The two of them would sleep for hours. Or just hang out together.
He loved her so much. He always wanted to be near her.
and she loved him.
Her: Let me help you floofy child.
Him: wait, whut?... I am here to help you.
There are no better therapists on the planet then a cat.
They come when you need them.
heh. Weiner.
He had his own Channel on Discord. A online following of people who loved him too. #Floof
I would frequently down load my camera and find his pictures.
Nice try at getting out of going to school JUR, I know that's Floof and not you.
Soviet Russian Kat.
And then there was the Christmust miracle of 2017....
When Floof had kittens. Seems only fair that he birthed the cats that make up the Legend of the Six Cats.
He has his own book too. Floofing Floofer :3
He loved everyone. even Python.
Food, mix, chips, eggnog, pizza, what ever you were eating he wanted some. But lasagna, that made him loose his mind like he was on catnip. he LOVED it .
When he wasn't sleeping he also was a whiz at N64, he has top scores in Donkey Kong and Smash brothers.
So many movies of this one. He's in a lot of family movies too. Sadly we lost a lot of them when my computer crashed, plus all of his pictures. Those we have were pulled from multiple social media accounts.
He often hacked my Discord and posted his own selfies.
He was a murderous sort of individual.
Nom nom
Alien eyes!
Meme me!
Heh, guess I should mention, he wasn't our cat. His real name is Freddy (They got him on Elm street) They moved in across the street and he attached himself to the girl...or she stole him or he stole her, either way we joking referred to him as the Notta cat. He's not our cat... His heart was big enough to love us all.
I'ma wizard Ha'rry!
He loved us all.
Super Floof!
I think I love you most of all dear one….
Thank you so much for hanging with us Floof. You brought so much to the table. A good citizen indeed. You truly lead the way. LOL Pushing past us when ever we walked down the hall way, always having to be in front.
A Floofy Poofy. aka Spitty McSpitty, he would wash himself and then come up to be petted and be all wet with spit. LOL.
There is no end to this story.
when his time was over, he spent time with his family, then came to rest under his beloved girlies bed. He wanted to be with her.
He died and went straight to legend. There are songs and dances and so many stories of him. we are all richer for knowing him. Loving him. Being loved by him. Being scratched by him.
He did what we all are suppose to do here on earth. Live, love and leave the world a better place.