Thursday, July 11, 2019

No internet.

When ever my kids marvel at some obscure skill I shuffling cards, making extremely tall card houses, tying shoes, magic tricks etc.. they always ask, "how did you learn that?"

My answer is always..."No internet."

I'm so old I grew up before the internet. Which left me with oodles of oodles of time and space and absolutely nothing else to do.

My sibling and I were quite adept at finding nonsensical things to do. They usually involved a competition  of some sort cause, what's the point of playing if you can't gloat over your siblings that you are the winner.

One such competition  was getting home from the places we drove to faster then everyone else.  Notably the rollerdrome was a great place to race back from.

It was me and my older sister in her car, we had pulled off out skates and bolted from the rollerdrome seconds before closing, and were a good mile from it when we got caught at a red light.

Laughing like hyena's we both were looking over our right shoulders to see if we could see our brother in his yellow car. Nothing.

Easy victory!

'honk honk"


Our heads swivel left. There is our brother on the freakin sidewalk beside us, inching his car between the mailbox and a power pole. He waves with a shit eating grin and drives off the curb, through the cross traffic and off on to a side road and disappears.

We laugh all the way home and we prepare to be put in out place with his smug, Me? Oh, I've been home for hours!, what took you two so long look.

He didn't disappoint.

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