Wednesday, March 25, 2020

little things in life

Like reeeaaally little things.

like virus's and germs.

My minds been thinking lately. Cause it's got some time on its hands.

I am appropriately freaked out about this latest pandemic.  It's coming for me (elderly/compromised immune system/healthcare worker)

But them it makes me want to ask many of those that have died had flu shots? Multiple flu shots over the years and did they have the pneumo-vaccine? Or did none of them have vaccines?

Cause well the scientist in me has questions. I naturally want to dig deeper and do massive research.

Could the reason it's hitting the elderly hardest is because they have had the polo vaccine done with weaken virus vs the inactivated virus?

I dunno, I live with a immune system that doesn't play well with other and is attacking it own host....which is me.

I grew up outside. Playing in dirt, creek water and grass. I have eaten all sorts of plants, drank mud puddle water, unfiltered creek water, consumed unwashed/unsprayed wild fruit. Licked more poles then I care to admit.

Cheated death right off the bat being born with my umbilical cord wrapped twice around my neck.
I licked all my mosquito bites after I scratched them till they bled.

Hunted and killed wild beasts with my girl scout pocket knife.

I've sawed down redwood trees with a rusty hand saw and told its fortunes in its rings....

I was once immortal.

but not so much anymore.

I flew too close to the sun and its melted the wax in my wings...and now I need help to do things like, get out of a chair.

While I may no longer be the bird actively building my family nest, I haven't gone far, I've just slipped into the sub role of  the dried and warped twigs that supports it and holds it together. My hatchlings are nearly ready to fly.

I will do my part in the long chain of life.

hold my place.

and hand off the baton when the next runner when they extend their hand.

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