Friday, March 20, 2020

Quarantined with mental issues (triggery?)


that seems to be the stock advice to give people who live with mental illness/issues in times of crisis.

I've lost count of how many times faced with my severe mental health symptoms, I was offered that advice.


Hell, I've given that advice my self.

It isn't about's simply about starting.

You have to start somewhere.

Why not start with something you can control. Breathe.

I want to talk about the social distancing and quarantining and sheltering in place that is going on right now, and how that could impact those of us who live with mental illness/issues.

Even healed and well wrapped people can be ambushed with triggers in times like this. None of us have been through a pandemic with this sort of global response before.

We need to be aware of our responses and our pulse of our mental health.

I was doing fine and the grocery store picking up the weekly food until I came across the rice section and it was completely empty.

I was instantly triggered and the fear of being hungry again washed over me and altered the rest of my purchases.

I noticed later that all I wanted to do at the house was eat. Fill up my hump like a camel so I could survive if food got scarce.

Once triggered, my system went on high alert. All the talk of quarantining and social distancing brought up feeling of fear and abandonment.

Breaking my weekly routine of going to turn in cans further set me off. I don't like feeling trapped and held. And having to staying home certainty felt like that.

All the news shouting, "the elderly and immunocompromised are the most at risk", set my anxiety to new levels.

I am in the elderly range, I am on not one but TWO immune suppressant drugs. Plus I work in the health care field.

A much needed concert I had tickets too has been canceled. That opened up my bottomless pit of depression.

Loss of routine and daily mundane things has shook my mind up like a snow globe.

And that is just me. I am well wrapped and have a phenomenal support system.

There are many vulnerable young people who are now trapped at home with abusers. Many people who are dealing with mental illness without a sound support system. And the one thing they need to do is not be home, not be socially distancing.

I hope someone with the know how opens up an mental health app where people can simply call in and see a person, a real person. So if even isolated they can see some ones eyes and hear their voice.


So what can we control in all of this?

Limit your time watching the news to once a day for updates.

Drink water.

Open your curtains, don't isolate in the dark.

Go outside and be in the air....and your guessed it, breathe.

Get up each day and get dressed.

Exercise.  (Muscles are vindictive little bastards and like to hold memories and tension.)

Find some on line chat group to be a part of.

Get hooked on a you-tube series (my favorite right now is Unus Annus enjoying the daily episodes.)

SPEAK UP. If you need something speak up, Even if its a quick face book post to see if anyone "see's" you.

Start with the thing you can control. Be on the look out for the things that are known triggers to you.

Seek help with you are overwhelmed and in danger.

Stay alive.

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